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Property Claims

You can count on us to be there for you should you ever need to file a claim after your property is damaged or broken into. Here is a look at what the claims process looks like.

The Claims Process for Property Damage or Theft

Before contacting anyone, make sure you have the right information on hand. This includes:

  • Pictures/videos of the scene and any damage
  • Date and time of the incident
  • Location of the incident
  • How the incident happened
  • Damage to your property
  • Missing items

If an investigating officer was involved, make sure to note their:

  • Name and badge number
  • Occurrence number

After your property is safe and secure, you should give us a call right away to handle your claim.

You can reach us by phone at 519-268-3535 during regular business hours.

To learn more about what to do immediately following your property is damaged or broken into, visit our What to do after property damage or theft page.

If you need to get in touch with someone outside of these hours, our insurance partners can be contacted 24/7 at the following phone numbers:

  • Aviva Insurance Company of Canada, 1-866-692-8482
  • Echelon Insurance, 1-866-931-0570
  • Premier Marine, 1-866-462-3650
  • Travelers Canada, 1-800-661-5522
  • Portage Mutual, 1-800-340-2439
  • Westminster Mutual, 1-877-488-6642

Once you have reported the incident with us, you will then be assigned a claims adjuster who will handle your case fairly and professionally.

We want your property to be restored as safely and swiftly as possible, and we are committed to being there for you through the claims process every step of the way.

Preparing Your Property Ahead of Time

Accidents, disasters and theft cannot always be avoided. However, you can make sure that you’re prepared just in case. Here are some things to keep in your car just in case.

Remember, should a loss occur, it is up to you to prove your loss! That’s why it is so important to keep an updated inventory of your valuables. This includes:

  • Serial numbers
  • Name
  • Model
  • Purchase receipts
  • Appraisals
  • A free property inventory booklet provided by the Insurance Bureau of Canada can be found here.

There are several things you can do to prevent intruders from breaking into your home. Some of these include:

  • Closing blinds and curtains at night.
  • Locking all doors and windows before leaving your home or business.
  • Investing in an alarm system.
  • Making your home or business always look occupied.
  • Keeping shrubbery cut back from windows and doors.
  • Illuminating as much of your property as possible.
  • Installing deadbolt locks.

There are also several things you can do to minimize the impact of a natural disaster on your property. This includes:

  • Equipping your kitchen with a fire extinguisher and first aid kit.
  • Draining garden hoses before winter.
  • Letting faucets drip during extremely cold weather.
  • Making sure all alarm systems are working, up to date, and have batteries.
  • Keeping trees, bushes, hedges near any windows trimmed and out of the way.
  • Storing sensitive documents off-site in a safety deposit box or a fire-proof box.